Tuesday, August 11, 2020

16*2, 16*1, 20*4 LCD Interfacing Using Arduino Uno By Engr.Habib Ur Rehman


                 16*2, 16*1, 20*4 LCD Interfacing                 

  Using Arduino Uno

  By Engr.Habib Ur Rehman


16*2 LCD

Components/Equipment Required:

            Following Components/Equipment are required to perform task.

1.    Arduino Uno (https://piees.pk/product/arduino-uno-r3/)

2.    16*2 LCD (https://piees.pk/product/16x2-lcd/)

3.    220Ω Resistor (https://piees.pk/product/220-ohm-1-4-watt-resistor/)

4.    10KΩ Potentiometer

5.    Breadboard

6.    Jumper Wires (https://piees.pk/product/220-ohm-1-4-watt-resistor/)

Circuit Diagram:

Arduino Program:

#include "LiquidCrystal.h"

// initialize the library by providing the nuber of pins to it

LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11);

void setup() {


// set cursor position to start of first line on the LCD


//text to print

lcd.print("16x2 LCD Interfac");

// set cusor position to start of next line


lcd.print("by Engr.Habib");


void loop()



            If text is not visible the potentiometer is used for visibility of character.

16*1 LCD

Components/Equipment Required:

            Following Components/Equipment are required to perform task.

1.    Arduino Uno (https://piees.pk/product/arduino-uno-r3/)

2.    16*1 LCD (https://piees.pk/product/16x1-lcd/)

3.    220Ω Resistor (https://piees.pk/product/220-ohm-1-4-watt-resistor/)

4.    10KΩ Potentiometer

5.    Breadboard

6.    Jumper Wires (https://piees.pk/product/220-ohm-1-4-watt-resistor/)

Circuit Diagram:

Arduino Program:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins

LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11); /// REGISTER SELECT PIN,ENABLE PIN,D4 PIN,D5 PIN, D6 PIN, D7 PIN

void setup()


  // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:



void loop()


lcd.print("  16  *  1  LCD ");//print name



            If text is not visible the potentiometer is used for visibility of character.


20*4 LCD

Components/Equipment Required:

            Following Components/Equipment are required to perform task.

1.    Arduino Uno (https://piees.pk/product/arduino-uno-r3/)

2.    20*4 LCD (https://piees.pk/product/20x4-lcd/)

3.    220Ω Resistor (https://piees.pk/product/220-ohm-1-4-watt-resistor/)

4.    10KΩ Potentiometer

5.    Breadboard

6.    Jumper Wires (https://piees.pk/product/220-ohm-1-4-watt-resistor/)

Circuit Diagram:

Arduino Program:

#include "LiquidCrystal.h"

// initialize the library by providing the nuber of pins to it

LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11);

void setup() {


// set cursor position to start of first line on the LCD


//text to print

lcd.print("20x4 LCD Interfacing");

// set cusor position to start of next line


lcd.print("by  Engr.Habib");






void loop()



            If text is not visible the potentiometer is used for visibility of character.